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Possibility Psychology ('Psychology of Possibility') opens doors to understanding and facilitating evolution in the human psyche.
We know transformation is possible through direct experience, but how does it work? How is evolution enhanced?
Human beings have direct access to archetypal domains in our daily lives. How do we get initiated? How do we navigate and make use of such spaces?
Incorporating transformation into our understanding of human potential is the purpose of the field of Possibility Psychology.
(From the Psychology Portal of Wikipedia.) Psychology includes the study of conscious and unconscious phenomena, as well as feeling and thought. It is an academic discipline of immense scope. Psychologists seek an understanding of the emergent properties of brains, and all the variety of phenomena linked to those emergent properties, joining this way the broader neuroscientific group of researchers. As a social science it aims to understand individuals and groups by establishing general principles and researching specific cases.
Psychologists explore behavior and mental processes, including perception, cognition, attention, emotion, intelligence, subjective experiences, motivation, brain functioning, and personality. This extends to interaction between people, such as interpersonal relationships, including psychological resilience, family resilience, and other areas. Psychologists of diverse orientations also consider the unconscious mind. Psychologists employ empirical methods to infer causal and correlational relationships between psychosocial variables. In addition, or in opposition, to employing empirical and deductive methods, some—especially clinical and counseling psychologists—at times rely upon symbolic interpretation and other inductive techniques. Psychology has been described as a 'hub science' in that medicine tends to draw psychological research via neurology and psychiatry, whereas social sciences most commonly draws directly from sub-disciplines within psychology.VARIOUS APPROACHES IN PSYCHOLOGY
There are different schools in psychology, among of these are Structuralism, Functionalism, the Gestalt Psychology, Behaviorism, Psychoanalysis, Humanism, Cognitive Psychology, and Possibility Psychology.
Structuralism was developed by Wudnt and Titchener. This school of psychology primarily deals with the study of elements forming the structure of the mind. Structuralist use the method of 'Introspection'.
Functionalism was developed at the University of Chicago by John Dewey and James Angell. It was also developed at Harvard University by William James. Functionalist study the functions of consciousness. They theorize that the learning process is aided by consciousness. Functionalists also deal with personality, intelligence, and other practical problem related to the field of education. The functionalist is interested in the learning process because the learning process is one of the means of adjusting to the environment where one lives.
Gestalt Psychology was developed by Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Wertheimer and Koffha (German psychologist). Gestalt psychologists analyze experience by configuration of the entirety or its patterns. These psychologists give importance to wholeness in the process of learning. They emphasize that the whole is greater than the sum to its parts. Furthermore, they study how form influences perception. They theorize that shapes and forms need to be described through organizing the entire perceptual field.
Behaviorism was developed by John B. Watson, a professor of psychology at John Hopkins University. Behaviorists approach psychology through actions. They stress that behaviors are observable, in contrast to the experience of consciousness which is subjective and only known to the person involved.
Psychoanalysis was developed by Dr. Sigmund Freud. His theory explains physical, nervous and emotional disorders using organic explanations. Sigmund Freud looked to the sub-conscious mind to uncover motivations and desires.
Humanism as contrary to the humanist and the behaviorist starts from the assumption that every person is has a desire to be good. Humanism also asserts that criminality as well as delinquency are caused by an environment that is unhealthy and inadequate for the proper development of the individual.
Cognitive Psychology is a blend of humanism and behaviorism. It gives special attention on thought process, the reasoning as well as problem solving. Cognitive psychologists are concerned with understanding the basic methods of the operation of the human brain.
Possibility Psychology was developed since 1975 by Clinton Callahan and a growing team of Trainers in small privately-funded research groups around North America and Europe. Possibility Psychology distinguishes that humans are Beings that wear five different bodies (physical, intellectual, emotional, energetic, and archetypal). Through authentic adulthood initiatory processes beginning at eighteen years of age, the Being can distinguish between itself and its psychological survival strategy, and thereby build Matrix to hold more and more consciousness. A Being can take radical responsibility for its personality and learn to navigate the three worlds (upperworld, middleworld, and underworld), jack-in to its Archetypal Lineage, and consciously journey into archetypal domains as a service to others.
(Adopted from Wikipedia.)
Psychological Schools are the great classical theories of psychology. Each has been highly influential; however, most psychologists hold eclectic viewpoints that combine aspects of various other schools.
The most influential Psychological Schools and their main founders are:
- Behaviorism: Watson
- Cognitivism: Aaron T. Beck, Albert Ellis
- Functionalism : William James
- Humanistic/Gestalt: Carl Rogers
- Psychoanalytic school: Sigmund Freud
- Systems psychology: Gregory Bateson, Felix Guattari
The list below includes all these, plus other, influential schools of thought in psychology:
- Activity-oriented Approach
- Analytical Psychology
- Anti-Psychiatry
- Anomalistic Psychology
- Associationism
- Behaviorism (see also Radical Behaviorism)
- Behavioural Genetics
- Bioenergetics
- Biological Psychology
- Biopsychosocial Model
- Cognitivism
- Cultural-Historical Psychology
- Depth Psychology
- Descriptive Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Ecopsychology
- Ecological Psychology
- Ecological Systems Theory
- Ego Psychology
- Environmental Psychology
- Evolutionary Psychology
- Existential Psychology
- Experimental Analysis of Behavior - the school descended from B.F. Skinner's work.
- Functionalism
- Gestalt Psychology
- Gestalt Therapy
- Humanistic Psychology
- Individual Psychology
- Industrial Psychology
- Liberation Psychology
- Logotherapy
- Organismic Psychology
- Organizational Psychology
- Phenomenological Psychology
- Possibility Psychology (in development)
- Process Psychology
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychohistory
- Radical Behaviorism - often considered a school of philosophy, not psychology.
- Psychology of Self
- Social Psychology (sociocultural psychology)
- Strength-based Practice
- Structuralism
- Systems Psychology
- Transactional Analysis
- Transpersonal psychology
Applying Possibility Psychology using Memetic Engineering Technology.
Applying Possibility Psychology in one-on-one or couples coaching sessions.
Applying Possibility Psychology in one-on-one healing of physical symptoms.
Applying Possibility Psychology in interpersonal and international conflict resolution.
Applying Possibility Psychology in organizational transformation.
Courses, workshops, webinars, trainings, books, articles, videos, and online platforms are all available.
Nobody can learn Possibility Psychology for you.
More interestingly, nobody can stop you from learning it.
The Possibility Psychology (Psicologia das Possibilidades) Lato-Sensu Postgraduate (MBA) Degree Program is in development in a University in Brazil. For the current status report of the development Team, please click HERE.
An additional University Program is in development in Germany under the guidance of Dr. Stefan Ackermann.
To support or participate in the development of these programs, please write to clinton.nextculture at gmail dot com.
We welcome your input and collaboration.
Each new distinction builds clarity for new possibilities.
S.P.A.R.K. Experiments
Implementing thoughtware upgrade distinctions.
BOOK: Directing the Power of Conscious Feelings by Clinton Callahan
Also available in German as Die Kraft des bewussten Fühlens from Next Culture Press.
BOOK: Radiant Joy Brilliant Love by Clinton Callahan
From Hohm Press in Arizona.
Also available in German as Wahre Liebe im Alltag from Next Culture Press.
BOOK: Building Love That Lasts by Clinton Callahan
NOTE: This is a 2020 re-release of Radiant Joy Brilliant Love (which has sold out its first printing.) Building Love That Lasts has a new title and cover, but the contents is the same except for some updated website info. It is due to be released in print form from Hohm Press by 1 May 2020.
Also available in German as Wahre Liebe im Alltag from Next Culture Press.
'CHILDREN'S' BOOK: Goodnight Feelings by Clinton Callahan
These and other books are also available in German through Next Culture Press.
Possibility Psychology Degree
This is a progress report of the current Possibility Psychology Degree Program Development conversation.Team: Eliana Press, Vicente Carnero, Anne-Chloé Destremau, Clinton Callahan.
1From Eliana Press 27 November 2019
Transpersonal Psychology considers the integration between 4 bodies. In my understanding, it brings together the energetic and the archetypal as the spiritual body. For Transpersonal, the integration of the 4 bodies opens the door for evolution. So it's very similar to Clinton's approach.
However, it does not discriminate the fourth from the fifth body (the energetic from the archetypal). In this thesis, there is a 7-step conceptual map of how evolutionary processes take place. And how can we use this to understand and apply to transformation tools. This content is between pages 162 and 165 in this PDF DOCUMENT in Portuguese by VERA PECEGUINI SALDANHA
20062From Clinton Callahan 28 November 2019
I am voting to use the term 'Possibility Psychology' rather than 'Psychology of Possibility' for the name in English for two reasons:
1. It matches and fits into the list of list of Psychological Schools on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia/wiki/list_of_psychological_schools
2. A woman has already been using the term 'Psychology of Possibility' since 1981 but she means something different: http://harvardmagazine.com/2010/09/the-mindfulness-chronicles
Are you okay with this?
The Portuguese name does not have to change.3From Vicente Carnero 28 November 2019
I agree with Eliana that in Portuguese when we say the word on singular it looks like, “We know THE possibility” about something. When we say Psychology of Possibilities (Psicologia das Possibilidades) it looks more a field of study on Possibilities, how they work in terms of Psyche functioning.
The name Possibility Psychology or Psychology of Possibilities when translated to Portuguese it will be the same: “Psicologia das Possibilidades”, because we always use “of”, even when there is no “of” in the English term.
I think it is a translation issue. If I read in English it sounds better 'Possibility Psychology'. But if we translate, it sounds better 'Psicologia das Possibilidades'.
4From Eliana Press 28 November 2019
If you look at the 7 Steps of Transpersonal's interactive evolutionary process, which is described in this thesis I gave you, I see that the process proposed by the PM, of realizing when the 'SNAP' happens (which we enter into a story) and we can then undo this 'SNAP', correspond precisely to the steps of "Identification" and "Deidentification" of the evolutionary process.
Since the vast majority of people are in the "identification", ie the 'SNAP'. So this tool, from his work, gives us the condition to move on to the next step, "Transmutation", which is where you see yourself from a wider plane than duality, gaining freedom of choice.
This stage corresponds precisely to the broadening of context for conscious choice in PM. Then the next stage of "Systematization" of the new learning corresponds to the understanding of the new and old Thoughtmaps that govern our experiences.
From this comes the Transformation stage, which is the incorporation of new choices and practices into experience. And this corresponds to the PM coaching feedback exercises for new practices. Enabling the steps of Integration into our new way of being broader.
Do you realize that is perfect? And the icing on the cake is the contribution from Possibility Management: distinguishing the 5th Body, which expands the possibilities of manifestation.
So, very importantly now, we have well defined what this 5th Body is.
5From Eliana Press 28 November 2019
I was explaining to Vicente that the Psychology Council sent a letter to Dr. Vera Saldanha, explaining that the legitimization of new practices in Psychology occurs in academia.
In a practical way, I would like to start by creating a postgraduate degree in Psychology of Possibilities, authorized by MEC, which I know how to do.
From there, a culture would be generated in the academy, conducive to following with research in masters and doctorate. And this is the path to the legitimization of new practices in academia.
To set up a postgraduate degree, we need to develop a program of subjects and teachers, with a workload of at least 360 hours. Teachers must have a masters or doctorate degree preferably. Do you think it possible to do that?
6From Clinton Callahan 30 November 2019
I very much appreciate your research and analysis so as to substantiate Possibility Psychology as a legitimate new branch of human psychology. I think that at least two PhD thesis have already been written. I will try to find them.
Yes, the 360 hours of workload for the postgraduate degree is possible and desirable. We are ready to help you formulate this at any time.7From Clinton Callahan 9 April 2020
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic global lock-down in February 2020, our offices have experienced an onslaught of requests for one-on-one Possibility Psychology sessions. The Memetic Engineering principles involved in delivering powerful and effective Possibility Psychology processes - even through Zoom calls - are becoming simplified and clear. Our Team is gaining increasing conviction that practicing therapists who can themselves consciously feel, and who have inculcated a few additional distinctions from radical responsibility into their Being, will easily be able to learn and deliver Possibility Psychology for their clients' benefit.
On the Memetic Engineering website (http://memeticengineering.mystrikingly.com) we are uploading sample transcripts from actual Memetic Engineering sessions (with clients' permission), and also sample Memetic Constructs that have been shaping their world which clients become intensely aware of during Possibility Psychology sessions.
This is immensely exciting work.
8From Eliana Press 10 April 2020
In the Development of Postgraduate programs in Possibility Psychology (Psicologia das Possibilidades)
I can already say that in "UNIVERSITY CERTIFICATION" the program in development will be a Lato-Sensu Postgraduate (MBA) and not Masters.
Possibility Psychology
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code PPSYCHOL.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!